Human & Holy

Human & Holy is a non-profit organization that creates content for Jewish education. Our focus is on the intersection of Jewish wisdom and our own humanity, and what it looks like to bolster each aspect of ourselves as one.

Chana Kornfeld || Reclaiming the Choices of My Youth

Today, Chana Kornfeld speaks about her journey to owning the choices she made as a young person to have a large family, and get married at a young age. Based on a talk by the Lubavitcher Rebbe about our matriarch Rochel being buried on the side of the road – and the differences between giving wholeheartedly to others and a loaded martyrdom, Chana outlines her own journey of reclaiming the choices she made in the past and crafting a new way of giving to her family, her spouse, and to G-d.

The sicha discussed in this episode is from Likkutei Sichos, חלק ל ויחי א.
Chana can be reached via

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