Human & Holy

Jewish women talking about Torah and the lived experience of our Judaism.

Chana Silberstein || Sacrifice or Desire? Rethinking the Foundation of Faith

An exploration of Jewish sacrifice with Chana Silberstein, through the lens of the Akedah.

How can we mature in our faith, so that we make choices rooted in a deep safety with G-d? What is the ideal motivator of our lives, a sense of sacrifice or desire? And how do we process the inevitable pitfalls of our carefully chosen paths?

Chana Silberstein came to Ithaca in 1984 with her husband to establish a Chabad house for Jewish students and community members. She serves in the role of Education Director at Chabad of Cornell. Chana holds a PhD in Psychology from Cornell University and is certified in Clinical Pastoral Education. When Chana is not busy running the Chabad house, she consults on educational projects for Jewish institutions. You can contact Chana at

Human & Holy Partners:

TOVEEDO: An online children's streaming subscription featuring exclusive Jewish content created and sourced by Toveedo. Use code HH10 for 10% off at

ZELDA HAIR: A wig company that champions the holistic process of hair covering for Jewish women. Shop Zelda Hair at and discover the heart behind the brand on instagram @zeldahair.

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You can find us on instagram @humanandholy and on Youtube, as Human & Holy.

Laurie Novick || Where Do Women Belong?

Shira Lankin Sheps || Dialogue with the Divine