Human & Holy

Jewish women talking about Torah and the lived experience of our Judaism.

Singing With Purpose | Shaindy Plotzker

Orthodox Jewish singer, Shaindy Plotzker discusses her journey within the music industry, using our talents and voices for the sake of a higher purpose, performing for women’s only crowds and the blessings she’s seen come of it, seeing G-d as the source of both our successes and hardships, learning how to rest, elevating other women in her industry, advice for aspiring artists, and the deep intention that guides her every move.

Discover more from Shaindy Plotzker at and by streaming her music on Youtube, Spotify and all music streaming platforms. Connect with her on instagram via @shaindyplotzkermusic.

Episode Partners:
TOVEEDO: An online children's streaming subscription featuring exclusive Jewish content created and sourced by Toveedo. Use code HH10 for 10% off at

ZELDA HAIR: A wig company that champions the holistic process of hair covering for Jewish women. Shop Zelda Hair at and discover the heart behind the brand on Instagram @zeldahair.

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Human & Holy podcast available on all podcast streaming platforms. New episodes every Sunday on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.

Live In a Way That Speaks for Itself | Dena Schusterman

Where Do Women Belong? | Laurie Novick