G-d Was My Lifeline | Shternie Rosenfeld
Episode is sponsored in honor of Uziel ben Moshe Yakov, whose yartzeit is Yud Tes Teves. May his neshama have an aliyah.
A conversation with Shternie Rosenfeld -- who is a shlucha, Torah teacher, and single mother -- about her transformative journey through divorce within the Orthodox community. Shternie talks about her darkest moments and how she found light through an unwavering relationship with G-d. We also explore her unique role as a shlucha running a Chabad house alone and the daily choice to see our circumstances with gratitude and faith.
Contact Shternie at shternie6@gmail.com
Episode Partners:
TOVEEDO: An online children's streaming subscription featuring exclusive Jewish content created and sourced by Toveedo. Use code HH10 for 10% off at Toveedo.com.
ZELDA HAIR: A wig company that champions the holistic process of hair covering for Jewish women. Shop Zelda Hair at zeldahairshop.com and discover the heart behind the brand on Instagram @zeldahair.
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