A conversation about the chassidic work of V'atah Tetzaveh. This conversation explores the generational shift from serving G-d through self sacrifice to a generation that is asked to serve G-d through abundance and an integration of our individual selves, as well as the role of a Tzaddik in helping us reveal the light of our souls.
Contact Sara Blau and learn more about her work at www.sarablau.com.
Some terms to know:
Maamer | a divinely inspired teaching shared by a chassidic rebbe to his disciples
Rebbe | a spiritual leader
Sechel | intellect
Middos | character traits
Mesiras Nefesh | self sacrifice
Matan Torah | receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai
Purim Katan Maamer | a Chassidic teaching shared by the Lubavitcher Rebbe before Purim Katan
Kriyas Yam Suf | splitting of the sea
Gzeira | decree
Yehudim | Jews
Sicha | talk given by a rebbe
Rebbe Rashab | the fifth Chabad Rebbe
Koach | strength
Ahavas Hashem | love of G-d
Ahavas Haolam | love of the Creator based on a love of the Creator's world
Ohel | Lubavitcher Rebbe's resting place
Study the original text that this conversation is based on here: https://www.chabad.org/therebbe/artic...
Episode Partners:
TOVEEDO: An online children's streaming subscription featuring exclusive Jewish content created and sourced by Toveedo. Use code HH10 for 10% off at Toveedo.com.
ZELDA HAIR: A wig company that champions the holistic process of hair covering for Jewish women. Shop Zelda Hair at zeldahairshop.com and discover the heart behind the brand on Instagram @zeldahair.
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