Human & Holy

Human & Holy is a non-profit organization that creates content for Jewish education. Our focus is on the intersection of Jewish wisdom and our own humanity, and what it looks like to bolster each aspect of ourselves as one.

Q & A with Chana || Costa Rica, the Cost of Systems, and Chassidus as a Call to Live Authentically

What are the costs of the systems we build around Chassidus? What does "chassidishkeit" even mean? Has Chana received judgment around her journey, does she experience resentment in her Judaism, and why, to her, is Chassidus the call to live authentically?

Join us for a follow up Q & A with Chana Dubinsky, where we address listener questions, talk more about her internal process around her Judaism, and hear from Chana about her life on shlichus in Costa Rica.

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In Israel, It’s Still October 7th || A Conversation With Journalist and Activist Bruria Efune

Chana Dubinsky || Who Am I?