Human & Holy

Human & Holy is a non-profit organization that creates content for Jewish education. Our focus is on the intersection of Jewish wisdom and our own humanity, and what it looks like to bolster each aspect of ourselves as one.

Eta Cotlar || When It Feels Impossible

Human & Holy is currently on a season break! Season 4 of the podcast launches on Sunday, Nov. 26. Today’s episode is a re-airing of one of our most popular episodes from the first season of the podcast.

In this episode, I interviewed Eta Cotlar about her relationship with Bitachon. Eta tragically lost her 13 year old son, Mendel, and she talks about the paradoxes she lives with daily: her deep pain and simultaneous trust in G-d's goodness, her responsibility to make a vessel for positive outcome, and then knowing when to let go of control. Eta shares more than just her personal story; she shares the nuances and complexities of what it means to be a struggling human in a relationship with an infinite G-d.

To sponsor an episode of Human & Holy in Season 4, visit or email us at To join our online community, visit To become a patron of the podcast, visit

Dena Schusterman || Expanding the Vessel

Sukkos: Entering G-d’s Embrace