Human & Holy

Human & Holy is a non-profit organization that creates content for Jewish education. Our focus is on the intersection of Jewish wisdom and our own humanity, and what it looks like to bolster each aspect of ourselves as one.

Sukkos: Entering G-d’s Embrace

In honor of the holiday of Sukkos, join a group of women in discussing our experience of some of the key teachings of this special holiday. What does it mean to build a Sukkah of unity? What does it mean to be hugged by G-d when we enter the sukkah? How can we find the joy in the uncertainty of our temporary dwellings? Join us, for an intimate conversation about the deeper meaning of this beloved holiday.

This episode is the last episode of Season 3! Season 4 launches on Sunday, Nov. 26. Over the next six weeks, we will be re-airing some of our most popular episodes from the first season of the podcast.

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Eta Cotlar || When It Feels Impossible

Raizy Metzger || Choosing Life Within Life